The project run by cologne-based artists Axel Erbstößer and Emanuel Geller was built up in 1997. Nine 12inches, two mix-albums and lots of pumping live-gigs, brought salz a lot of respect in the dubhouse-scene worldwide.
Axel Erbstößer now takes part in the production work for the floorJIVERS and performs live as DJ for that band.
Emanuel Geller runs the Salz Mastering Studio, finalizing and mastering tons of electronic tracks, making them fit for the floors on the world.
Recently, we started the production machinery for several high class remixes for artists like Piemont, Deepchild, Riley Reinhold, Thomas Bjerring, Razoof, Django Novo, 5 Green Circle, UND, Minilogue, Claus Bachor, Chris Baumann, Tremsch & Metzler and many more under our good old name SALZ. The Studios are ready, the valves are hot and the tape-delays are running smooth.
Salz is back!