Van Bonn – Onwards

telrae 014
Van Bonn

Limited 10″ Vinyl
mp3 / wav

Van Bonn returns after his release “Maserung” on Telrae in April 2011. Van Bonn has been in the studio a lot since then and has worked on a number of tracks that are highlighted here.

“Onwards I” is an excursion into sound. It starts with sounds that interact in a subtle way but then as if by magic, suddenly it rises to a much higher energy level, almost pulling you by the hair.

Chords now kick in with the full force of brutality, like the strikes of London’s Big Ben and then you’d think the track will just burst. Van Bonn makes another turn before he lets the drums break loose. It seems as if Van Bonn is taming the brutality and direction of his electronic machines. Abstract now meets the concrete and whoever wins the fight is up to the listener to decide.

The first remix comes by Raffaele Attanasio who has had considerable success with “Der Pianist” and “I’m A Jazzman” and has collaborated with Trapez ltd artist Mihalis Safras, A. Trebor (Trapez), as well as Claude Young, Nic Fanciulli and has shown his versatility throughout the last 3 years. Juan Atkins recently featured Raffaele Attanasio remix of” No Mans Land” by A. Trebor in his charts.

His remix for Van Bonn keeps up a strong beat programming right from the beginning. A beat monster so to speak is alive from the beginning and kicking. The track is written in a style that shows expansion and contraction and through that shows an organic “breathing” quality.

“Onwards II” by Van Bonn keeps things a bit more down to earth and conveys a more traditional image of Techno Dub in its first 40 seconds but adopts a rather abstract side and experiments with sounds… which results is a deep, sweet and warm piece of Techno Dub music.

We have involved Craig McWhinney here with a remix of “Onwards II”. Craig McWhinney is a Melbourne based DJ, producer and live artist. He has his own label Haul Music. His releases are backed up with remixes and EPs for Speedy J’s Electric Deluxe, Brendon Moeller’s Steadfast records, and Ben Sim’s Theory Records. His remix for Telrae is based on a free- form beat structure, a tough Techno characteristic as well as keeping an experimental side of things, shaping sounds. This remix is definitely for the DJ who likes things to be tight.

Track number 5 is a freeform beat versions by Raffaele Attanasio of “Onwards I” which is much more on the experimental side of things, shaping soundscapes and spaces. It is very relaxed and playful.

Release date vinyl: 14th November 2012
Release date digital: 28th November 2012

A. Onwards I

[audio:telrae_014_01.mp3|artists=Van Bonn|titles=Onwards I (64 kbps Preview)]

B. Onwards II (Raffaele Attanasio “Dub” Remix)

[audio:telrae_014_02.mp3|artists=Van Bonn|titles=Onwards II (Raffaele Attanasio “Dub” Remix) (64 kbps Preview)]

Digital 1. Onwards II

[audio:telrae_014_03.mp3|artists=Van Bonn|titles=Onwards II (64 kbps Preview)]

Digital 2. Onwards II (Craig McWhinney Remix)

[audio:telrae_014_04.mp3|artists=Van Bonn|titles=Onwards II (Craig McWhinney Remix) (64 kbps Preview)]

Digital 3. Onwards II (Raffaele Attanasio “Broken Beats” Remix)

[audio:telrae_014_05.mp3|artists=Van Bonn|titles=Onwards II (Raffaele Attanasio “Broken Beats” Remix) (64 kbps Preview)]

7 thoughts on “Van Bonn – Onwards

  1. abercrombie billig says:

    das bis zum Knie reicht. Foto: Pressestelle Landratsamt BambergDie Sammlerin Ingrid Buresch beschäftigt sich seit mehr als 30 Jahren mit dem Thema Taschen” und hat mehr als tausend Objekte aus vier Jahrhunderten zusammengetragen.

    • Ayumi says:

      from Ken Looks like from today onwards, Irelande2€™s ever-increasing molibe operator Meteor will be offering their website through Irish something that none of O2, Vodafone or Three currently do.

    • Makanch says:

      Exactly how it looked for me at the same time, from Mannheim Germany. I was srutck by how much faster it moved compared to the ISS passes (might have been my imagination).It was noticeably dimmer than the ISS passes the same evening. But still very bright.

  2. Nike Free Others says:

    A piece of the PAL ramp breaks away from Discovery’s fuel tank during launch. Credit: NASAIf the tank is shipped without the ramp, and if the upcoming testsconfirm it’s not needed to prevent a catastrophic failure, NASA will beclear to launch the shuttle Discovery next spring as planned on the secondpost-Columbia mission. In so doing, the agency will eliminate a potentialsource of impact debris and put to rest recent concern about cracks in thefoam ramps.But PAL ramps cannot be added at the Florida spaceport and if the testsshow the pressurization lines and cable tray do, in fact, need shielding,the tank would have to be shipped back to Lockheed Martin’s Michoud AssemblyFacility near New Orleans for additional work. And that would put the nextshuttle flight on indefinite hold.In that case, engineers would have to reapply the long ramp, eithermanually or robotically spraying on foam insulation to build a sort of damto smooth the flow of supersonic air over the externally mounted components.More important, and potentially time consuming, they also would have todevelop new application techniques or change the composition of the foam -or both – to prevent hard-to-see cracks from forming after the tank isloaded with supercold rocket fuel.And those issues will be present in the near term if shuttle managersdecided to ship a tank with PAL ramps in place.”I am fairly convinced that we’re going to make a decision to build thefirst tank one way or the other before the end of the year and proceed atsome schedule risk while we do the engineering,” shuttle program managerWayne Hale said in an interview with CBS News. “We wouldn’t fly until we hada good solid engineering story to back up what we did, but we may ship atank that we’re at some risk we could get surprised and have to turn itaround.”The one thing I keep coming back to, and I keep telling the team is,whatever we do we’re going to prove it’s safe to go fly or we’re not goingto fly. So, the rest of it is just kind of how do we maximize the potentialto fly as quickly as we can? We’re going to do it right, we’re going to makesure it’s safe to the best of our abilities, and the schedule will wind upbeing whatever it is.”The protuberance air-load – PAL – ramps have been under the microscopeand the center of attention since a 1-pound chunk of foam broke off thehydrogen PAL ramp on Discovery’s tank during the first post-Columbia flightlast July. The debris did not strike the shuttle, but upcoming flights wereput on hold while engineers studied what could be done to prevent such foamshedding in the future.So far, engineers have been unable to come up with a definitiveexplanation for the foam loss and, consequently, a fix. Hale ordered allexisting PAL ramps removed and engineers were assessing new fabricationtechniques as a possible solution when small cracks were discovered prior tothe removal of the PAL ramp of a tank slated for the third post-Columbiamission.While engineers have not come to a formal conclusion on what caused thecracks, the consensus is that it likely is related to the thermal stress thetank undergoes when it’s loaded with super cold rocket fuel. The tank inquestion originally was to be flown by Discovery last July and it was fueledfor pre-launch tests. The tank later was replaced for unrelated reasons, butthe cracks could have been caused by thermal stress.”That is clearly their thinking, but that’s a preliminary (conclusion),”Hale said. “Where I have to play the bureaucrat in all this is we haven’tcompleted the analysis. Until you get the engineering done, you can’t putthe stamp on it and say certainly. But I can say that is what everybody isinclined to believe is the cause of the problem, where the preliminary workis leading us to believe, that it’s thermally induced cracking, which mayhave been there for a long time.”If that theory is correct, cracks would be a constant threat for shuttlesthat were fueled for launch and then delayed for other reasons. Whethersimilar cracks played a role in the foam loss experienced by Discovery’stank in July is an open question.”The cracks, most of them, don’t show up at the surface and the ones thatdo you have to be really right up (on them) to (see) them,” Hale said. “It’snot something you can see from several feet away or with the operational TVcameras the pad. So it’s not something you would necessarily detect if youwent and tanked and scrubbed.”During a November news conference, Hale said engineers were looking intowhether the ramps could simply be removed, eliminating the potential sourceof debris. At that time, he said it would be difficult to complete therequired testing in time for Discovery’s May launch window and that it morelikely would take until the third flight in the upcoming sequence. That wasdue in large part to scheduling conflicts delaying the start of wind tunneltesting.But he said his thinking changed – and the issue became more urgent -when the crack issue surfaced Thanksgiving week, indicating “we’ve got amore severe problem in that PAL ramp foam than we had initially thought.”Since then, NASA has been able to book wind tunnel time in February tofind out, one way or the other, if the ramps can be safely eliminated.”Getting rid of (the ramp), if you can afford to get rid of it from thestructural standpoint, that is clearly a way forward,” Hale said. At thesame time, he added, “the folks are off working very hard to come up withsome options to change the way the foam is sprayed on, to prevent thesecracks.”But if the cracks are, in fact, caused by thermal stress and if theupcoming tests show the ramps can’t be eliminated, NASA will be stuck with athorny problem: developing a new PAL ramp and then proving it will not sheddebris.”The way to get around that is if we have some ‘eureka’ that says we knowwhy we had cracks and we circumvent that with a processing change at MAF(Michoud Assembly Facility),” said LeRoy Cain, manager of launch processingat the Kennedy Space Center. “For flying with the PAL ramps, to get to thatpoint, we’re going to have to have confidence that we understand how we gotthe cracks in these cases and that we have mitigated that.”Said Hale, “that kind of becomes then the operative question, is not onlycan you come up with a fix and apply it, but how do you prove that the fixto the foam did what you wanted it to do, which is to prevent these cracksfrom occurring?”As a result, engineers are hopeful the upcoming tests will allow theramps to be eliminated.”I think we all would like to have them gone,” Cain said. “On the otherhand, the jury’s still out on these cracks.”Cracks aside, a “tiger team” of experts and engineers looking into thePAL ramp foam loss during Discovery July flight concluded in October that”in the future, the only way to ensure no foam will be lost from the PALramps is to eliminate ramps altogether.””A wind tunnel test program has been completed for both the LO2 (liquidoxygen) and LH2 (liquid hydrogen) cable trays without the PAL ramps, andinitial results indicate the PAL ramps are not required to protect the cabletrays from aeroelastic instabilities,” the report said.”STS-114 LO2 tank cable tray data collected to validate test programresults is under analysis, but initial results appear to confirm the testprogram conclusion that the PAL ramp can be eliminated. Wind tunnellimitations did not permit testing to continue beyond the flightenvelope required to establish a 32 percent margin for the LH2 tank cabletray as required. … Additional testing is required before the LH2 PAL rampcan be removed.”The ET Tiger Team recommends the SSP (space shuttle program) undertakewhatever additional testing is required to substantiate wind tunnel results,including instrumentation of flight cable trays if necessary, and that thePAL ramps be eliminated at the earliest opportunity.”The shuttle’s external tank is made up of a large hydrogen tank, aso-called intertank section and an upper oxygen tank. Gaseous hydrogen andoxygen, used to pressurize the tanks, are diverted from the propellantsfeeding the shuttle’s main engines and routed up the tops of the respectivetanks in externally mounted pipes. The pressurization lines run next to along cable tray that carries electrical lines routing data and commandsbetween the shuttle and various tank and booster subsystems.When the shuttle was designed in the 1970s, engineers believed shockwaves during the vehicle’s transition to supersonic speeds could causepotentially serious damage to the pressurization lines and/or the cabletray. As a result, the tank was equipped with two protuberance air-load, orPAL, ramps, one running along the upper section of the hydrogen tank and theother along the outside of the oxygen tank.The PAL ramp “was put on there in the old days as what I would characterize as a suspenders and belt approach,” NASA Administrator Mike Griffin told CBS News last month. “The analysis (of the forces involved) is very difficult to do. Most folks, if you asked them, would say I don’t really think we need that (but) It was the kind of thing that was technically very difficult to prove because it’s a complex aerodynamic flow field, multi-mach number range, yada, yada, yada. So the suspenders and belt approach is, I don’t think I really need (the PAL ramp) but I’m going to put it on there anyway because what can it hurt? Well, what it can hurt is if it falls off!”Now we no longer take the attitude well, I’ll put some foam on there, what can it hurt? If we’re going to put foam on something it better be that we really need the foam to be there. On the last flight, STS-114 … we went to the trouble … to calculate aerodynamically the very complex flow field surrounding the bipod structure and we concluded we don’t need a bipod ramp and we don’t need bipod ramp foam. That’s what we hope to do with the PAL ramp. We’re not there yet.”The PAL ramps are built up by workers at Michoud, who manually spray onfoam and then sculpt it, making ramps that smooth the flow of supersonic airover the pressurization lines and cable tray.”As you go from subsonic to supersonic through the max Q (maximumaerodynamic pressure) region, the shock waves off the top of the SRBs(solid-fuel rocket boosters) cause the flow to cross the cable tray and thepress lines at about an 80-degree angle,” Hale said. “The important regionis just through Mach 1 or maybe 1.2.”To find out whether the pressurization lines and cable tray can withstandthe buffeting without suffering a catastrophic failure, a scale section of atank will be tested in a supersonic wind tunnel in February. At the sametime, computer modeling based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) will becarried out to get a better understanding of the aerodynamics in the region.Because the testing should be complete before Discovery’s launch windowopens, shuttle managers can consider the option of shipping the next tank toFlorida without a PAL ramp on the assumption the upcoming tests will showit’s not needed.”The thing that I’m keenly interested in is the actual test data,” Cainsaid. “The CFD, it will either confirm or not confirm whatever the test datasays is right. But that flow field is non intuitive. It’s extremelycomplex.”Hale agreed, saying “there’s a lot of work to be done. We’re going to gettogether before the end of the year to make a decision.”The topic is expected to be discussed – and possibly resolved at theprogram level – next Thursday at a Program Requirements Control Boardmeeting at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. Another topic on the agendais deciding what sorts of foam and wing leading edge repair techniques areworth pursuing.”If you’re going to reapply PAL ramps to the tank, because we’re takingthem off all the tanks, they’re going to go back on at the first of theyear,” Hale said. “So we would like to decide before the end of the yearwhether or not to do that.”So folks are thinking very hard about how we would get the aerodynamicdata to make sure we’re in good shape, number one, if we take the ramps off.Or, we have a large group that is still off analyzing why these cracks occurand what changes we might make to the foam application to prevent the cracksfrom happening.”The one thing that is crystal clear to me is that we cannot launch withthese cracks. We just can’t.”The PAL ramp foam shedding during the July shuttle mission was the firstknown case of such debris since the early days of the shuttle program. ButNASA only has post-separation photographs of about half the shuttle tankslaunched and it’s possible more PAL ramps suffered shedding that wentunnoticed. Engineers are reviewing photography from past missions to lookfor any such signs of damage.”It’s interesting, we went back to the history, we dug into the historyof how they got on (the tank),” Hale said. “They were actually a lateaddition before STS-1. And it came in because some of the wind tunneltesting was not as conclusive as they wanted it to be and it was put on, inthe words of the report I have in my hand, to ensure that we have marginstructurally. Once they put ’em on, and it was cheap and it took care of theproblem, we just kind of kept doing it. So there has always been a questionfrom the first flight whether or not they were actually necessary.”Over the course of time, we’ve made a lot of changes to the tank,” hesaid. “We’ve eliminated one of the lines that used to go up there called theanti-geyser line, it’s not there any more. The cable tray itself, which is arectangular metal box, has shrunk to about half its original size and thestructure that attaches that to the tank and the underlying tank structureis all different. We’ve gone from the standard weight tank, to thelightweight tank to the super lightweight tank, all that stuff has changed.”The question of the day is, is the structure capable of withstanding theaerodynamic loads, some of which are transient – you know, the flag off theflag pole flapping in the breeze kind of effect – and some of which are whatthe aerodynamicists call steady state. And so we are off to do somecomputational fluid dynamics work. We thought we were going to have to waitto get into the wind tunnel until May and we have identified a wind tunnelopportunity in early February.”Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA’s first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store.Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Expedition 21The official embroidered patch for the International Space Station Expedition 21 crew is now available from our stores.Hubble PatchThe official embroidered patch for mission STS-125, the space shuttle’s last planned service call to the Hubble Space Telescope, is available for purchase. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Shuttle/Soyuz/ISS processing milestones COMPILED BY WILLIAM HARWOODUpdated: June 20, 2006Editor’s Note… Current as of 06/20/06. This calendar includes a few schedule conflicts that have not yet be resolved, i.e., arrival of a Progress supply ship at ISS during the STS-116 mission, etc. The date for the second of two upcoming space station spacewalks has not yet been set. NOTE: PRCB stands for program requirements change board.DATE…….EVENT06/26/06…ISS: 22 Progress docks at Pirs (12:27 p.m. EDT)96/27/06…STS-121: Crew flies to KSC06/28/06…STS-121: Countdown begins at 5 p.m.06/29/06…STS-121: L-2 launch readiness review06/29/06…STS-115: ET/SRB mating07/01/06…STS-121: NASA TV coverage begins at 10 a.m.07/01/06…Shuttle launch window opens07/01/06…STS-121: Launch (3:49 p.m. EDT)07/03/06…STS-121: Docking with ISS (11:25 a.m. EDT)07/05/06…STS-121: Spacewalk No. 1 (10:24 a.m. EDT)07/07/06…STS-121: Spacewalk No. 2 (9:54 a.m. EDT)07/09/06…STS-121: Spacewalk No. 3 (only if mission extension approved)07/11/06…STS-121: Undocking (07:43 a.m. EDT)07/13/06…STS-121: Landing (MET: 11/18:57, or 10:46 a.m. EDT)07/19/06…Shuttle daylight launch window closes07/25/06…STS-115: Atlantis/external tank mating in VAB07/27/06…STS-115: Payload to launch pad08/01/06…STS-115: Shuttle stack rollout to launch pad08/03/06…ISS: Spacewalk (Vinogradov and Williams)08/09/06…STS-115: TCDT08/16/06…ISS: 21 Progress undocks from Zvezda aft08/22/06…ISS: Soyuz TMA-8 moves from FGB nadir to Zvezda aft port08/28/06…Shuttle NET date (not opening of window)08/29/06…STS-115: Launch (current estimate: 3:42 p.m. EDT; must………..launch by Sept. 5 to permit on-time Soyuz TMA-9 launch)08/30/06…STS-115: Docking with space station08/??/06…ISS: U.S.-led spacewalk09/06/06…STS-115: Undocking09/09/06…STS-115: Landing09/13/06…Shuttle launch window closes09/14/06…ISS: Soyuz TMA-9 with ISS-14 crew launches09/16/06…ISS: Soyuz TMA-9 docks at FGB nadir port09/17/06…STS-116: ET-123 on dock at KSC (under review)09/24/06…ISS: Soyuz TMA-8 with ISS-13 crew/tourist undocks from Zvezda aft10/18/06…ISS: 23 Progress launches10/20/06…ISS: 23 Progress docks with station10/26/06…Shuttle launch window opens (if daylight required)10/29/06…Shuttle launch window closes (based on daylight launch)11/08/06…STS-116: Discovery/external tank mating in VAB11/13/06…STS-116: Payload to launch pad11/15/06…STS-116: Shuttle stack rollout to launch pad12/01/06…STS-116: TCDT12/13/06…STS-116: Launch (current estimate: 7:17 p.m. EST)12/16/06…STS-116: Docking with space station12/20/06…ISS: 24 Progress launches12/22/06…ISS: 24 Progress docks with station12/23/06…Shuttle launch window opens (if daylight required)12/23/06…STS-116: Undocking12/25/06…STS-116: Landing12/25/06…Shuttle launch window closes (based on daylight launch) | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Small piece of foam falls from fuel tank BY WILLIAM HARWOOD

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